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Texas Attorneys for Austin Commercial Vehicle Accident Injuries

The aftereffects of a collision or accident with a commercial vehicle in Austin, Tx are undoubtedly difficult to navigate on your own. From serious injuries to property damage and perhaps lingering emotional trauma, pursuing legal action may be the last thought on a victims’ mind. Pursuing a personal injury case after such an accident, however, may mean a world of difference in the compensation you are able to receive for your recovery.

The Austin commercial vehicle accident attorneys at Carabin Shaw have decades of experience representing injured victims just like you. Call 800-862-1260 to schedule your free case review so our experts can guide you through your next steps. Remember, each case is unique, so read on to learn more about commercial vehicle accidents in Texas, but contact an attorney to discuss your specific situation as soon as possible.

How are Commercial Vehicle Accidents Different from Other Auto Accidents?

While you will still rely on a personal injury attorney in Austin to pursue your case, there are a few key ways that these commercial vehicle accidents differ from “regular” car accidents.

  • Regulations: Commercial vehicles are subject to strict regulations in comparison to regular drivers that include maintenance schedules, driver qualifications, and more. These may impact proving fault in your case.
  • Liability: In a regular car accident, fault usually involves the two drivers. In commercial vehicle accidents, multiple parties are potentially liable, including the truck driver, the trucking company, the vehicle manufacturer, and more. Because of the complexity of these cases, it’s strongly advised to seek the guidance and support of a Texas lawyer for commercial vehicle collisions.
  • Injuries: Because of their large size and heavy cargo, commercial vehicles often impact victims of accidents more severely than a standard car. Depending on several factors, these collisions may result in life-impacting injuries and thus require a lawyer who is able to fight for the maximum compensation possible.
  • Insurance: Higher insurance policies with commercial vehicles may mean a more complicated claims process. These big insurance companies are also likely pushing for you to settle for less than you deserve. A trusted attorney will handle all of these challenging negotiations.
What is My Austin Commercial Vehicle Accident Worth?

Determining the potential value of your case involves analyzing several factors contributing to your accident and its aftereffects. This includes, but is not limited to, the severity of your injuries (both physical and emotional), liability, and if fault is shared. Texas adheres to a comparative fault system, which outlines that if a victim is partially at fault for an accident, the damages awarded will be reduced by the percentage they are at fault.

An attorney can skillfully and effectively negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, thus ensuring that you receive all the compensation you are eligible for.

What Kind of Lawyer is Needed to Pursue Compensation for My Commercial Vehicle Accident Injuries?

When seeking compensation for commercial vehicle accident injuries in Austin TX, you'll need a lawyer experienced in personal injury cases involving large trucks, buses, and/or transportation vehicles. These Austin injury lawyers for commercial vehicle collisions understand the ins and outs of commercial vehicle regulations, how to identify potentially liable parties, and how to navigate negotiations with big insurance companies.

What to look for in a law firm:

  • A proven track record of success
  • Experience in Texas injury cases
  • A team of experts
  • A great reputation with the client reviews to prove it
Call 800-862-1260 to Schedule a Free Initial Consultation with No Obligation! The Personal Injury Attorneys in Austin at Carabin Shaw Fight for Justice

Don't wait any longer to get the legal help you deserve. Carabin Shaw understands the financial burden an accident can cause, so we offer a free case review to discuss your unique case as well as services on a contingency-fee basis, meaning you won't owe a dime unless we win your case.

Schedule your free case review today! Our English and Spanish-speaking staff are available 24/7 to answer your questions. Call us toll-free at 800-862-1260.

For more information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

Austin Office
1609 Shoal Creek Blvd #100
Austin, TX 78701

Client Reviews
We are very glad we called Carabin Shaw after our accident. We now recommend them to everyone. - Griselda S.
You want Carabin Shaw on your side after an accident. They were excellent. - Valerie S.
In our opinion, no one is better, Carabin Shaw is the Law Firm you want on your side after an accident. - Amanda G.
The attorneys and staff went out of their way to help us after our accident. Thank you Carabin Shaw. - Melinda F.
We did our research after our accident and chose Carabin Shaw. They were great. Highly recommend. Joel Y.