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Work Injury Lawyers in Austin, Texas

Personal injuries received while working are some of the most difficult for an injured worker to handle, largely for fear of professional retaliation or losing one’s job. However, injured workers deserve compensation for the injuries received while on the job, and an Austin work injury lawyer at Carabin Shaw will guarantee that you receive that compensation. No worker should be so afraid of retaliation that they do not report an injury, especially when a legal claim cannot be made if the accident is not reported. It is important to remember that you are legally protected when reporting an injury, and our attorneys will guide you through every step of the claim-filing process.

Injuries from on-the-job accidents are as varied as the jobs themselves. Regardless of your accident, you are likely to be facing incredible medical bills and missed work hours. Long-term debilitation, chronic pain, and significant scarring are only a few of the other consequences that you may be suffering from. Each of these, and more, are damages that you can recover compensation for with a strong personal injury case and the help of an experienced lawyer.

Work Injury Lawyers in Austin, Texas

Our Austin work injury lawyers are the top personal injury advocates in Austin, with over three decades of success behind us. We have the experiences and resources necessary to help you build your strongest case and we are committed to fighting for you from the moment of your accident to the moment you receive financial compensation. Workplace injuries may be varied, but our array of successes with work injuries makes us the best advocates regardless of what your accident looked like.

Slip and Falls

Slip and falls are among the most common personal injury accidents overall, and many occur while workers are on the job. Poorly maintained walkways, obstructed pathways, or other hazards can all cause incredible harm. After a slip and fall accident at work, hiring Austin workers’ compensation attorneys at Carabin Shaw will provide you with the information necessary for you to begin seeking compensation.

Burns and Electrocutions

Injuries from burns and electrocutions are common in many different workplaces. Construction zones, appliance maintenance, auto jobs, and kitchens are just a few of the jobs most at risk for such injuries. It is the duty of employers to create safe circumstances for their workers and to alert workers to any potential hazards that may exist in the workspace. If you have suffered a burn or injury, you may be entitled to compensation for those damages.

Repetitive Use Injuries

Common among processing, manufacturing, and administrative positions, a repetitive use injury is the result of performing a singular activity or motion over and over again for long periods of time. Strains, pulled muscles, and chronic pains are common results of such injuries.

For positions such as these, employers are required to set breaks regularly and provide stations that minimize the risk of sustained injuries.

The above examples are only a few of the injuries that you may be able to seek compensation for. Austin attorneys at Carabin Shaw will help you to build your strongest possible case, and answer any and all questions you have about the options available to you. This information comes at no cost to you through a free initial consultation and case review, which we provide for all victims of a workplace injury.

Austin Workplace Injury Attorneys at Carabin Shaw

You deserve a legal advocate who will fight for the full compensation that you deserve, and Carabin Shaw’s client reviews are evidence of the quality services that our experts provide.

In order to best serve you, our English and Spanish-speaking experts are available 24/7. Simply call the toll-free number 800-862-1260.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

Austin Office
1609 Shoal Creek Blvd #100
Austin, TX 78701

Client Reviews
We are very glad we called Carabin Shaw after our accident. We now recommend them to everyone. - Griselda S.
You want Carabin Shaw on your side after an accident. They were excellent. - Valerie S.
In our opinion, no one is better, Carabin Shaw is the Law Firm you want on your side after an accident. - Amanda G.
The attorneys and staff went out of their way to help us after our accident. Thank you Carabin Shaw. - Melinda F.
We did our research after our accident and chose Carabin Shaw. They were great. Highly recommend. Joel Y.