Biomet Implant Lawyers

Are you in Texas? Were you injured in by a defective Biomet hip replacement?

Give Carabin Shaw a call. We can help. Call us at 800-862-1260. We can help you and your family with evaluating any injury or death and determining any possible claims.

Thousands of claims have been made and lawsuits filed against manufacturer Biomet each claiming and/or seeking to prove that the Biomet M2a Magnum hip replacement implant has caused severe injuries to implanted patients because of a design defect in the product. Carabin Shaw’s San Antonio Biomet Implant Lawyers have filed a good number of these suits. The lawsuits are going after fair compensation for people injured by these allegedly defective hip replacement implants, which have been legally linked to premature failure and metal toxicity. If you have been injured following a hip replacement using a metal on metal designed implant, call one of our Biomet Hip Replacement Lawyers today to see if you have good case to make a claim or file a lawsuit to recover your damages.

What Actual Problems Have Really Been Linked to These Biomet Hip Implants?

The M2a Magnum hip replacement implant made by Biomet has been repeatedly alleged to several problems, including metallosis (metal toxicity) and total failure to operate by the entire hip implant. These problems, or defects, result from the metal on metal design of the device and its supposed tendency to shed off excessive metal ion levels into the bloodstream as its various components suffer from ordinary wear and tear. The Biomet lawsuits are based upon this problem among others. An additional basis for the lawsuits is allegedly excessively high levels of cobalt in the bloodstream have been detected in many patients with the metal-on-metal implants like Biomet’s M2a Magnum. When people who have had a hip replacement and suffer from symptoms they shouldn’t, like those below, they should call for help from people like our San Antonio Biomet Implant Lawyers. The problems which they get, and should consult with an attorney over, have been linked to causation of a number of medical problems, including:

  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Headaches
  • Vertigo
  • Tinnitus
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Convulsions
  • Blindness
  • Optic nerve damage

Like many other metal-on-metal hip replacement devices, Biomet’s M2a Magnum is constructed of a metal cup or socket and metal ball. According to these Biomet hip lawsuits, each of these components rubs against the other over an extended period of time. This is alleged to release metal ions into the surrounding bone and tissue. It is thought that such ions will cause bone loss, pain, swelling and tissue death as they increase the blood levels of metal in the injured party. Problems such as these increase the difficulty of the revision surgery needed when replacing the defective hip implants.

Metal-on-Metal, Including Biomet Made, Hip Implants Under Scrutiny

In response to the increasing concerns about hip implants with metal-on-metal design, which have been the subject of thousands of claims and lawsuits filed by attorneys such as our Biomet Implant Attorneys in San Antonio, across Texas and rest of our country, the FDA brought together a panel to advise it on the issue in or about June 2012. The panel’s mandate was to discuss what the dangers of such designs of replacement hips actually are. This panel of professional health experts decided that there was no good reason to keep using the hip implants with metal-on-metal designs, because the evidence does reveal that these devices have failed earlier than was expected and did actually increase patient risk of metal ion poisoning.

Biomet Hip Replacement: Do You Have a Good Claim?

Our Biomet Hip Implant Lawyers are in the review process right now of claims from any persons who has gotten a hip implant with a metal-on-metal design, including the M2a Magnum made by Biomet. If you have suffered injuries or complications after surgery to replace your hip, us today for your case review, for free of course. You may well be in a position to have us file a lawsuit on your behalf over your metal-on-metal hip replacement to get you fair compensation for your pain and suffering, medical bills and other damages. Call one of Carabin Shaw’s Biomet Implant Attorneys in San Antonio today. We are here to help people just like you.

Are you in Texas? Were you injured in by a defective Biomet hip replacement?

Give Carabin Shaw a call. We can help. Call us at 800-862-1260. We can help you and your family with evaluating any injury or death and determining any possible claims.

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We are very glad we called Carabin Shaw after our accident. We now recommend them to everyone. - Griselda S.
You want Carabin Shaw on your side after an accident. They were excellent. - Valerie S.
In our opinion, no one is better, Carabin Shaw is the Law Firm you want on your side after an accident. - Amanda G.
The attorneys and staff went out of their way to help us after our accident. Thank you Carabin Shaw. - Melinda F.
We did our research after our accident and chose Carabin Shaw. They were great. Highly recommend. Joel Y.