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AVVO Rating - James Michael Shaw 10.0

How Can a San Antonio Motorcycle Attorney Help After an Accident?

Are you overwhelmed in the aftermath of a serious motorcycle accident? Victims of motorcycle accidents in San Antonio are often afflicted by grievous injuries, expensive medical bills, or even death. These victims and their families deserve whatever assistance they require to win fair compensation for these losses.

Why You Need an Experienced San Antonio Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Making the choice to hire quality representation for your motorcycle injury claim is the most responsible decision you will make on your journey to financial justice. There are many ways a quality accident attorney can help with filing your motorcycle injury lawsuit, including:

1. Before You Begin the Filing Process, Your Personal Injury Attorney Will Evaluate Your Claim Using Years of Professional Knowledge and Expertise

Are you unsure if you are eligible to file a motorcycle injury claim? Would you like to know the approximate value of your damages caused by the accident? These questions can be answered by an attorney with thorough knowledge of Texas personal injury law. Once you have consulted with an attorney and they have evaluated your claim, from that point on you will work together to compile a successful injury claim.

2. Your Attorney Will Help to Compile the Necessary Evidence/Documentation to File an Accurate Claim

In order to establish liability for your accident and the full extent of your physical, financial, and emotional losses, your attorney will compile extensive documentation to support your injury claim. Attorneys will correspond with insurance companies, medical providers, police officers, etc. to gather the needed documentation.

3. Your Accident Lawyer Will File All Paperwork Related to Your Claim Meticulously and Promptly

Between you and the compensation you deserve for your San Antonio Tx motorcycle injury is a mountain of bureaucracy. When you work with a quality law firm, your attorney and firm staff will ensure all documents related to filing your motorcycle claim are filed in a timely and accurate manner.

4. They Will Represent Your Best Interests in Financial Settlement Negotiations

The majority of personal injury claims in San Antonio are settled outside of court. In settlement negotiations, your attorney will negotiate with the defendant’s representation to ensure you receive fair compensation for the full extent of your injuries.

5. If Necessary, They Will Represent Your Best Interests in Court

While most of these claims are settled outside of court, a minority do go on to be litigated in court (for example, if the defendant’s representation refuses to admit their client’s liability or settle a fair settlement). If this is the case, it is even more important that you have a quality injury attorney to present your case before a judge and jury.

6. By Hiring an Experienced Accident Lawyer, You Can Focus on Healing From Your Injuries Knowing Your Right to Fair Compensation Is Protected

Lastly, one of the greatest benefits of hiring an experienced injury attorney is that you and your family can focus on healing from your traumatic losses with the full assurance that your rights are protected through every step of the lawsuit filing process.

Are you asking, how can a San Antonio motorcycle attorney help after an accident? To learn more about the benefits of hiring quality representation, schedule an initial consultation with a personal injury attorney. In the state of Texas, accident victims have until two years from the date of their injury to file a personal injury claim, so it is in your best interest to search for representation as soon as possible.

Call the Texas Personal Injury Attorneys at Carabin Shaw

Carabin Shaw attorneys are passionate about helping victims of motorcycle accidents receive the justice they deserve. To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with a member of our team, call our 24/7 English and Spanish-speaking staff toll-free at 800-862-1260. We are proud of our many successes representing motorcycle accident victims and their families (to learn more, see Carabin Shaw’s client reviews).

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

Client Reviews
We are very glad we called Carabin Shaw after our accident. We now recommend them to everyone. - Griselda S.
You want Carabin Shaw on your side after an accident. They were excellent. - Valerie S.
In our opinion, no one is better, Carabin Shaw is the Law Firm you want on your side after an accident. - Amanda G.
The attorneys and staff went out of their way to help us after our accident. Thank you Carabin Shaw. - Melinda F.
We did our research after our accident and chose Carabin Shaw. They were great. Highly recommend. Joel Y.