An Epic Battle Against the U.S. Government

Remember the Epic Battle between David and Goliath. Statistically, David clearly had no chance of winning. It is indeed fortunate that his heart and soul did not know the concept of losing and he pushed forward with determination, persistence and divine intervention. We wonder what might have happened if he was aware of what he was up to? Every day at the Social Security Administration (SSA), seemingly epic battles between disability claimants and SSA are fought. And what is the reward? The answer is simple, the proper awarding of Disability Benefits.

The battle develops as follows: you, the claimant, become unable to work due to a injury and/or illness and then you apply for disability benefits.After all, you've contributed part of your earnings to the system all those years to prepare for this exact situation. Even your doctor backs you up and confirms that you cannot work. You figure that it is simply just a matter of filling out forms and completing paper work and you will begin receiving benefits. However, slowly you realize the delay and the red tape. The when you finally receive a correspondence from SSA, you tear it open to find a Notice of Decision which instead read: “We have denied your claim for disability benefits as our trained staff and medical doctors have determined you are not disabled under our laws." You like most others are enraged, rankled, antagonized, baffled, worried and concerned by the thought of fighting Goliath -The U.S. Government.

With a glimmer of hope, the Decision references something about appeal rights. Hang in there…Call us we will help you fight for the benefits that are rightfully yours!

You should know that 75% of all disability applicants are initially denied benefits. Half of all of those denied will give up and not appeal their denial. Dont let the Government win. Call our Firm we can help. For you should also know that 53% of the applicants who push for an appeal hearing before an Administrative Law Judge win their case and obtain benefits. Understand that the U.S. Government designed the system to discourage and frustrate. Why, your guess is as good as anyone. The system was designed to deny benefits to as many claimants as possible. SSA denies initial applications because it knows 50% of the claimants will give up and not appeal. Dont be one of the ones who does not fight. However for those who persevere and appeal their denials, the majority is eventually granted benefits.

Now that you have a clear picture of how the Social Security system works, here are some tips on how to improve your odds for success.

  1. Appeal the Denial - DO NOT QUIT after receiving a denial. DO NOT QUIT.
  2. Retain a Disability Attorney - Retaining an attorney who knows how to win and who knows the disability laws. An experienced attorney will develop your case by obtaining the necessary medical, & billing records and opinions from your doctors that are critical in proving disability. Call our Law Firm we can help.
  3. Completing Forms - Be honest and very brief when completing forms. Mis-stating or overstating anything on the forms could lose the case.
  4. Involve your Doctor or Physician - Your physician is critical to success. The judges give a treating physician's opinion regarding a patient’s disability the deciding weight. If your physician is not sympathetic to your claim you may need a new one. And as for the epic drama…Do not worry, history is on your side. If you don’t know how the story of David and Goliath ends… David wins. We will work to help you win.

If you need a Social Security Disability Attorney on your side call our Law Firm day or night. The call is free, the initial consultation is free. Call us toll free at 800-862-1260.

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We did our research after our accident and chose Carabin Shaw. They were great. Highly recommend. Joel Y.