
13-Year-Old Airlifted to Hospital After Dog Attack

Children are especially vulnerable to dog attacks.


Teen Boy Severely Injured in Mauling in a Northeast-Side Home

According to a KSAT News report, a thirteen-year-old boy had to be airlifted to the hospital after being mauled by his father’s pit bulls in his home.

Police reported that they responded to a call on the 22000 block of Escalante Run when they found a boy who had been severely injured by at least two pit bulls. The boy was home with a grandparent when the attack occurred, and police say there was evidence that six of the pit bulls had been loose at some point. The boy’s injuries were severe, and he was airlifted to the hospital, where he is expected to recover. The parents are not currently facing charges, and the two pit bulls involved in the mauling were euthanized.

Did You Know?

Sixteen children were killed by dogs in 2019 – pit bulls were responsible for 10 of those deaths.

Children and Dog Attacks in Texas

When a child is severely injured, it is one of the most devastating events that can happen to parents and often leaves the child with deep emotional scars that stay with them for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, dog bites are the second leading reason why children visit the emergency room, according to the CDC.

Why Are Children So Vulnerable to Dog Attacks?

Children visit the emergency room at a much greater rate than adults for dog bites. This is partially due to the fact that children are less emotionally developed than adults and often have a difficult time understanding an animal’s level of distress. Additionally, a child’s smaller size and general lack of coordination also make them far more likely to sustain injuries to critical areas, such as the face, neck, and other areas of the head.

Are Some Breeds More Dangerous Than Others?

Pit bulls are more likely to cause severe injury and attack their owners than other breeds, making them more dangerous. Additionally, though pit bulls make up only 6% of the dogs in the United States, they are responsible for the deaths of more than half the children killed by dogs each year. Injuries from pit bull attacks for adults and children alike are more severe than injuries from other breeds.

Injuries From Dog Bites

Most of the time, your child can escape from a dog attack with a few scrapes and cuts. However, dog attacks can result in more severe injury, such as puncture wounds that can expose your child to severe and life-threatening infections such as:

  • Capnocytophaga – found in animal’s mouths and can cause severe infection
  • Tetanus – found in manure and soil
  • Sepsis – an abnormal response to infection which is particularly dangerous to young children

Aside from infections, a child can suffer severe emotional trauma from a dog attack, especially if their injuries are severe. Other severe physical injuries include:

  • Nerve Damage
  • Avulsions
  • Bone Fractures
  • Torn Ligaments

Don’t suffer through this alone. If your child was injured or killed in a dog attack in San Antonio, contact the dog bite attorneys at Carabin Shaw.

Dog Bite Attorney Serving San Antonio

Dog attacks are a frequent occurrence in San Antonio in recent years. If your child was injured in a dog attack, contact the personal injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw with 30 years of experience today at 800-862-1260 or via live chat. We look forward to serving you.

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