
Driver Killed in Accident While Fleeing a Traffic Stop

What’s the best way to interact with police officers in a traffic stop?


Driver Flees Traffic Stop, Dies in Accident

According to a San Antonio Express-News report, a man was killed in an accident while fleeing police on Loop 410.

Police reported that they were following a driver who exhibited suspicious behavior while driving on Northwest Loop 410 when the driver suddenly made a left turn into traffic in an apparent attempt to evade the officers. The vehicle collided with a pickup truck and the driver was pronounced dead at the scene at around 11:20 p.m. on Sunday, August 6, 2023.

Did You Know?

Accidental deaths and intentional killing of police officers during traffic stops rose significantly from 2020 to 2021, according to FBI data.

Interacting With Police While Protecting Your Rights: 4 Essential Tips

Nobody likes to be pulled over by an officer. The sinking feeling, the knot in your stomach, the frantic searching through your mind of every driving mistake you made in the past five minutes. However, in light of violent encounters with the police filling our news feeds and tv screens seemingly every day now, it’s important to know how to safely interact with a police officer while still protecting your rights as an American citizen.

4 Essential Tips for Traffic Stops

  1. Prep for a Safe Interaction – As soon as you pull over in a safe area and come to a complete stop, immediately roll down your window, turn off your car, and place your hands on the top of the steering wheel. If it is night, turn on your cabin light so the officer can clearly see you. Do not reach for your license or registration, and do not attempt to hide anything before the officer approaches. This action could give them probable cause to search your vehicle.
  2. Cooperate with instructions – An officer does not immediately have to inform you of why they pulled you over. If they ask you to step out of the vehicle or remain seated, respectfully follow their instructions.
  3. Let the Officer Do the Talking – Admissions of guilt are most commonly in the form of an apology, which officers are trained to illicit from you so that you will admit fault. Do not do so. Answer questions like “Do you know how fast you were going?” with a simple “Yes.” If they ask you for a license and registration, hand it over without arguing. If you have to reach for them in your purse or glove box inform the officer BEFORE reaching for items. Additionally, if you are licensed to carry, give the officer your carry permit with your other documents. This is a respectful and non-threatening way to inform them if you have a legal weapon in your vehicle.
  4. Don’t Consent to a Search – Usually, if an officer asks if they can search your vehicle, then they do not have legal grounds to do so without your consent. To learn more about when an officer can search your vehicle and where they may search, read “Can the Police Search My Car Without a Warrant?” and ” Can a Police Officer Search the Entire Vehicle?

Important Note:

Police officers are legally required to inform you why you are being detained at some point. Politely ask the officer if you are being detained or if you are free to go. If you are being detained they must inform you of the reason, and if you are not, you must be allowed to leave.

Protect Your Rights – Hire Carabin Shaw

If you believe your rights were violated in a traffic stop, contact the criminal defense attorneys at the Carabin Shaw law firm. We can be reached via live chat or phone ANYTIME at 800-862-1260. We look forward to serving you.


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