Articles Posted in Wrongful Death

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Vehicles are a leading cause of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Vehicle Running in North Side Garage Causes 7 Women to Be Hospitalized for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

According to a KSAT News report, seven women were sent to the hospital after a vehicle running in the garage gave them carbon monoxide poisoning.

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Wrongful death compensation can alleviate financial burdens after a fatal car accident.

Two Accidents on Highway 57 One Day Apart Leave Six Dead

According to a KSAT News report, Highway 57 near Uvalde saw two deadly accidents one day apart that left six people dead.

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Drinking this Christmas? Plan not to drive.

Single-Vehicle Accident on Loop 410 Leaves Woman Dead, Car in Flames

According to a KSAT News report, a woman was killed in a single-vehicle accident early Tuesday morning.

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Children younger than six are especially vulnerable to playground injuries.

Tragic Accident Leaves Teacher Dead, Six Others Injured at Montessori School

According to a KSAT News report, a 22-year-old teacher is dead, and many others were injured in a vehicle accident at a Montessori school this week.

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Avoid these common Christmas fire hazards in 2024.

Apartment Complex Burns, Killing Woman and Displacing Residents

According to a KSAT News report, a woman was killed in a major apartment complex fire yesterday.

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Train accidents are rare but often serious.

Train Derails Into Building in Pecos, Killing One and Injuring Four

According to a KSAT News report, an 18-wheeler caused a train to derail and crash into a building in Pecos, Texas.

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Why does road rage increase during the holidays?

Suspect Dead in Fatal Rollover Accident Caused by Road Rage

According to a KSAT News report, a 48-year-old man is dead after causing a rollover accident in a road rage incident on the South Side.

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Visiting for holidays? Ensure your children know how to behave around strange dogs.

Two Young Girls Seriously Injured, Babysitter Charged in Pitbull Attack

According to a KSAT News report, two young girls were hospitalized, and their babysitter was charged following a dog attack.

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Don’t text and drive.

Woman Dies in Single-Vehicle Crash on I-35

According to a KSAT News report, a woman died of her injuries after a single-vehicle crash on Sunday.

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