
Hit-and-Run in Poteet Area Leaves Man Dead, Police Searching for Driver

How can a pedestrian keep themselves safe when walking at night in San Antonio?

Pedestrian Dead in Poteet After Hit-and-Run Accident

According to a San Antonio Express-News report, a man is dead after a hit-and-run accident in the Poteet area.

An off-duty officer in southern Bexar County reported the body. He was driving in the area when he noticed what appeared to be a body on the side of the road and went to investigate. The 40-year-old man, who was possibly homeless, was believed to have been struck by a passing vehicle while walking along I-35. Police are searching for the vehicle, which they believe to have damage on the right side and possibly the windshield.

Did You Know?

Night-time pedestrian deaths have risen 41% since 2014.

How to Walk Safely at Night in San Antonio

Walking at night is very appealing for many reasons — there’s less traffic, you have more time than in your busy morning routine, and it’s not as blisteringly hot outside. However, walking at night can be very dangerous. Pedestrians are frequently struck at night due to low visibility and more drunk drivers being on the roads.

Let’s take a look at some tips on how to keep yourself safe from passing vehicles while enjoying your nightly exercise in San Antonio.

Wear Reflective and Bright Clothing

Black is super chic, but it makes it hard for vehicles to see you. Even if you’re walking in a well-lit area, it’s important to wear bright, reflective clothing. Reflective shoes and backpacks are also a good idea because they will help a driver recognize you as a human faster than if you were just wearing a vest.

This article by Verywellfit has links to quality reflective gear you can order for your next nighttime escapade.

Put Away Distractions

You should always have your mobile phone on you, especially if you’re walking alone. However, holding a mobile phone as a flashlight or using it while walking distracts you from your surroundings. Looking at an illuminated screen reduces your ability to see in the dark and could make you miss an oncoming vehicle. Instead, use a lightweight flashlight or headlamp and put your phone away.

Distracted drivers and pedestrians are a leading cause of pedestrian accidents, especially at night. You can’t control driver behavior, but you can keep yourself safe by keeping yourself alert.

Practice Nighttime Walking Safety Rules

  • Walk Facing Traffic — This gives you the ability to see and react to vehicles in time.
  • Use Sidewalks and Paths — If possible, don’t walk in the street. Drunk drivers can easily swerve and hit you, even if you are wearing reflective gear.
  • Check Twice Before Crossing the Street — Drivers don’t expect pedestrians at night. Look twice in all directions before crossing the street.

You can do everything right and follow all of the above tips and still get hurt. Drivers have a responsibility to be aware of their surroundings and to drive safely, but they don’t always do that. If you were hit by a car while walking at night in San Antonio, our firm can help.

Hire Carabin Shaw Pedestrian Injury Attorneys in San Antonio

Distracted, drunk, and reckless drivers injure pedestrians in San Antonio far too frequently. If you were injured as a pedestrian, we can help you. Carabin Shaw has been representing injured pedestrians in San Antonio for 30 years. We put our clients first and always keep them in the loop because we care. Contact us today at 800-862-1260 so we can evaluate your case. We look forward to serving you.

Contacting a Carabin Shaw Attorney does not obligate you to work with the firm and is free of charge.

¹San Antonio Express-News report



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