
Major Fire Damages 8 Apartment Units on the Northwest Side

Do you have a plan in case your apartment complex catches fire?


Many People Displaced in Major Apartment Fire on the Northwest Side

According to a KSAT News report, a major fire on the Northwest Side displaced multiple residents, with two people suffering minor injuries early this morning.

Fire officials responded to the call just before 9 a.m. on December 7th at an apartment complex on the 7800 Block of Callaghan near Medical Center and I-10. When they arrived, they reported visible flames emitting from the complex. The fire was escalated to a second-alarm but was put out without incident. 8 units were damaged, and two people suffered minor injuries, though no one was hospitalized. The cause of the fire was unclear.

Did You Know?

Many holiday traditions create an increased risk of fire if proper fire safety rules are not carefully followed.

Holiday Fire-Safety Tips: Keep Your Family Safe While Celebrating the Holidays

Holiday traditions bring families together each year for wonderful celebrations full of holiday cheer. But many of these well-loved traditions come with fire risks. Combining trees with candles, alcohol, and wrapping paper all over the floor can be an accident waiting to happen — roughly 210 house fires each year involve Christmas trees, resulting in 16 injuries and 6 deaths annually.

Let’s take a look at how you can keep your family safe this year while keeping the holiday traditions you love.

Christmas Tree Safety

There are actionable steps you can take to reduce the risk of your tree catching on fire.

  1. Pick the Right Tree — When choosing a tree, make sure you pick one with fresh, green needles that don’t fall off when touched.
  2. Water Your Tree — Cut your tree two inches from the base and then immediately place it in water. Continue monitoring the water levels to ensure it doesn’t dry out. Well-watered trees are far less likely to catch on fire. It can also reduce fire size and growth speed, giving you more time to escape in case of emergency.
  3. Don’t Block the Exit — You normally have about 2 minutes to escape a house fire — blocking exits can prevent your ability to escape in time.
  4. Keep Heat Sources Away — Make sure there are no candles, heaters, or fireplaces within 3 feet of the tree.

Of course, you can be responsible and follow all safety rules, but if you live in an apartment complex or near other houses like most people do, then you should have an emergency fire escape plan in place just in case.

Apartment Fire Escape Plan

You won’t have much time to react if your complex catches fire, so it’s important to have a plan and make sure everyone knows it in case of an emergency. Know where all of your building’s stairwells are, and pick a location outside where everyone should meet if you get separated. Teach children the stop, drop, and roll rules.

Consider keeping a small emergency fire kit that includes:

  • A USB drive with important documents
  • Money
  • Car and house key backups
  • Portable battery charger for your phone

Injured in an Apartment Fire? Call Carabin Shaw

You could be entitled to compensation if your apartment burned because of a defective product or someone’s negligent actions. Our team at Carabin Shaw has been representing those injured by defective products and negligence for 30 years, and we can help you find out if you have a case. Use the live chat or call us at 800-862-1260 for free help. We look forward to serving you.

Contacting a Carabin Shaw attorney is free and does not obligate you to work with the firm. 

¹KSAT Report

²NIST Fire Safety



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