Articles Posted in Product Liability

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Review candle safety before the upcoming winter storms.

Children Start House Fire While Playing With Matches, No Injuries Reported

According to a KSAT News report, an East-Side home sustained serious damage in a house fire started by children playing with matches.

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Avoid these common Christmas fire hazards in 2024.

Apartment Complex Burns, Killing Woman and Displacing Residents

According to a KSAT News report, a woman was killed in a major apartment complex fire yesterday.

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Make sure your child’s presents are safe this holiday season.

Toy Safety for the Holidays: Avoiding Injuries and Knowing When to Sue for Defective Toys

It’s the season of giving! You must be very excited to enter a store and choose the best gift you can give to your little loved ones this Christmas. But remember to always check for several factors before buying things, especially toys, to ensure children’s safety.

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Nationwide recall affecting Texas consumers.

E. coli Outbreak Sparks Nationwide Organic Carrot Recall by Grimmway Farms

According to an FDA Recall Alert, organic whole and baby carrots have been recalled nationwide after being contaminated with E. coli.

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Detached trailers can cause serious accidents and even death.

Trailer Hauled by Minivan Detaches, Flips Over Highway Wall After Collision on Loop 410

According to a KSAT News report, a two-vehicle collision caused a trailer being towed by a minivan to flip over the highway wall.

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Defective window units can cause serious fires.

Motel A/C Catches Fire, Man Hospitalized With Burn Injuries

According to a KSAT News report, a man was hospitalized with minor burns following a motel fire.

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Gas line leaks and explosions can cause catastrophic damage.

RV Gas Line Breaks and Causes Fire that Totals RV, Damages Two Homes on the South Side

According to a KSAT News report, an RV fire damaged two homes on the South Side last night.

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Multiple products sold in Texas have been recalled this month.

Food and Product Recalls Affecting Texas Consumers in September 2024

Dangerous and defective products hurt thousands across Texas every year. It’s important that you stay aware of product recalls in your area so that you are not made sick or injured. The following is a compiled list of recalls from the CPSC and the FDA that pose a serious risk of injury or illness.

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Learn about dangerous products that have been recalled this month.

4 Major Product Recalls in August 2024 Affecting Texas Consumers

Products must meet certain safety standards to be sold to U.S. consumers. When they fail to meet these standards or people are injured by hazards discovered after release, a recall is usually issued.

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