
Two Dead in Tragic Motorcycle Accident in Fort Worth

Injuries in a motorcycle accident can still be serious even if all protective gear is worn.

Cyclist and Pedestrian Dead After Fatal Crash

On January 7, 2023, the Fort Worth police reported a fatal accident that took two lives on Interstate 30. For reasons unknown, a black sedan was stopped in the shoulder or in the westbound lane. A motorcycle was unable to avoid the sedan, crashing head-on into it and being ejected from the motorcycle into oncoming traffic. A woman who was standing outside of the black sedan was thrown due to the impact of the motorcycle and also fell into oncoming traffic. Both were pronounced dead at the scene, and officers are investigating the incident. 

Did You Know?

2020 had a record-breaking amount of motorcycle accidents, with 5,579 cyclists killed and 84,000 injured, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Motorcycle Accidents in Dallas

Texas has a lot of very attractive land for motorcyclists. Unfortunately, Texas also has some of the highest accident rates in the country. Motorcycles can be thrilling to ride, but they don’t provide the same kind of protection afforded to other vehicles. This results in some pretty catastrophic injuries to those involved in a motorcycle accident.

  1. Road Rash – One of the most common injuries reported from motorcycle accidents is road rash. Road rash is more than just scrapes and bruises, as anyone who has experienced it knows very well. Road rash can lead to permanent skin injury, including serious infection, if not properly treated.
  2. Broken Bones – The crushing impact of being thrown from a motorcycle often results in broken limbs and facial fractures for the rider. Femurs, forearms, shins, and the pelvis bone are the most commonly reported fractured bones after a motorcycle accident.
  3. Head Injury – TBI is an unfortunately common brain injury following a motorcycle accident and is far more likely to occur in a motorcycle accident than in an automobile accident. It is also the leading cause of death among cyclists of all ages. Contusions and coup-contrecoup injuries also often result when a cyclist strikes their head on the ground, sometimes more than once, leading to bleeding in the brain.

There’s a good reason why helmets are mandatory pieces of safety gear. CDC data found that helmets are effective and save both cyclist and passenger lives (37% cyclists and 41% passengers) and reduce the risk of serious head injury by 69%. However, a person can still be seriously injured while wearing all of the appropriate safety gear. Learn more about motorcycle accident injuries at Carabin Shaw’s website.

Injured in a Motorcycle Accident?

If you were injured in a motorcycle accident in Dallas or the surrounding area, Carabin Shaw can help. We have thirty years of experience representing personal injury and wrongful death claims, and we have access to extensive resources. Contact us today for a free case evaluation at 800-862-1260 today.

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