
Loop 410 Rollover Crash Leaves Driver Dead

Darkness comes earlier and lasts longer in the winter, meaning more nighttime driving for San Antonio.


Single-Vehicle Rollover on Loop 410 Leaves Driver Dead

According to a KSAT News report, a man is dead after rolling his vehicle off of Loop 410 last night.

Police reported the incident occurred overnight near the 800 Block of Loop 410 before the Kirby exit on November 15, 2023. The driver reportedly lost control of his vehicle while navigating a turn, causing him to fly off the highway. He struck a guardrail and rolled into the grassy area near the road. He was pinned in the vehicle when police arrived and pronounced dead at the scene. No other vehicles were involved in the crash.

Did You Know?

SUVs are 4x as likely to roll over than standard vehicles.

Tips for Safe Night Driving in San Antonio

As the sunset continues to become earlier, you will probably find yourself driving at night more often. Night driving comes with its own set of risks, but there are simple steps you can take to make nighttime driving safe and stress-free.

Let’s take a look at 3 tips to follow to optimize your nighttime driving skills this holiday season.

#1. Prepare the Vehicle Before You Head Out

Visibility at night is one of the biggest reasons why night driving is more difficult. If you’re not really in the mood to be completely blinded when a vehicle passes in the adjacent lane, follow these vehicle prep tips:

  1. Clean Your Windshield — Dirty interior windshields make for an unpleasant glare when faced with oncoming traffic. A quick wipe-down with glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth before your next nighttime trip can make all the difference.
  2. Clean Your Side Mirrors — Little streaks and water spots on your side mirrors can scatter light, making it difficult to see behind you. Cleaning your side mirrors takes a few seconds and can save you loads of stress later.
  3. Adjust Interior Lights — Turn down all unnecessary interior lights before heading out. Bright lights inside the car can make your vision blurry when looking from your dash back to the road.

#2. Take a Quick Nap

It’s natural to become tired quickly at night, especially when performing a monotonous task like driving. If you can, take a quick 20-minute power nap before heading out.

Long naps can leave you feeling more groggy from trying to wake from a deep sleep. But short, 20-minute naps have many benefits to combat drowsy driving, such as:

  • Boosting active memory,
  • Increasing focus,
  • and Improving reaction time.

#3. Slow Down and Leave Extra Space

You may be nailing nighttime driving, but other drivers will likely be less attentive and more careless at night. Protect yourself by giving more following distance than you would during the day, and reduce your speed.

This gives you more time to react to the erratic movements of drunk or overtired drivers. This step is even more crucial if it’s raining or icy at night.

Normally, you should have at least 3 seconds of space between you and the driver in front of you. At night, give yourself at least 5 seconds of space to account for the conditions.

Hit by a Careless Driver in San Antonio? Call Carabin Shaw

At Carabin Shaw, we’ve put our clients first for 30 years because we know there’s more to being a good lawyer than stellar representation. If a careless driver hurt you in a nighttime accident in San Antonio, call the law firm that cares at 800-862-1260 ASAP. We look forward to serving you.

Contacting a Carabin Shaw attorney is free and does not obligate you to work with the firm.

¹KSAT News Report

²Benefits of Napping

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