
Water Beads Sold on Amazon Test Positive for High Levels of Known Carcinogen, CPSC Warns Parents

Water beads are not safe for small children to play with.


Water Beads Linked to ER Visits Test Positive for Known Carcinogen CPSC Warns

According to a KSAT News report, water bead toys sold on Amazon have been recalled after the CPSC found high levels of acrylamide in two brands.

The CPSC reports that Jangostor and Tuladuo water bead toys, now recalled by Amazon, tested for high levels of acrylamide. Acrylamide is a known carcinogen that negatively affects both the brain and the reproductive system. Water bead toys start small and expand when exposed to water. This has been linked to multiple emergency room visits as underage children swallow them, and they expand in their intensities. These water beads are marketed as safe and non-toxic fun for children over three, but they pose a serious choking, infection, and death hazard to children.

Did You Know?

Water bead accidents have led to at least 7,800 emergency room visits since 2016.

Child Choking Injury in San Antonio: What You Need to Know

The leading cause of unintentional injury death for children younger than 1 is choking.

As a parent, you do everything in your power to make sure your children live safe and happy lives. But big companies and daycares don’t always take the same care with your children, and choking is tragically a common result.

Defective toys, negligent care, and poorly designed products can all cause your baby to suffer a choking injury.

Liability for Child Choking Injuries

Did you know that daycare facilities and product manufacturers owe your child a duty of care to create safe products and environments that cause no harm? When they fail in this duty, it is legally referred to as negligence.

In order to prove someone is legally negligent, the following elements must exist:

  • The defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff.
  • The defendant breached or violated that duty of care.
  • The breach of that duty caused the plaintiff’s injury.

For example, let’s say a daycare employee does not properly supervise your child, and they choke on a toy as a result. Because daycares have a duty to exercise reasonable care with your children, their actions would constitute negligence.

Alternatively, a baby toy manufacturer markets a toy for very young children but includes small detachable parts. One of these parts breaks off, and your child chokes while playing with the toy. Because manufacturers owe a duty to make reasonably safe products, their actions would constitute negligence.

Damages for Choking Injuries

If your baby suffered a serious choking injury due to someone’s negligent actions, you may be entitled to compensation for things like:

  • Medical Bills,
  • Ambulance Costs,
  • Pain and Suffering,
  • Brain Injuries,
  • Anxiety/PTSD,
  • and Wrongful Death.

Suing a company or business is a difficult task to handle on your own. They will have a team of attorneys to shield them from liability — you can have a team backing you up too.

Did Your Child Suffer a Choking Injury in San Antonio? Call Carabin Shaw

Carabin Shaw has represented the parents of injured children across Texas for more than 30 years. We’re a trusted name in San Antonio because we care.

If your child suffered a choking injury, you may be entitled to legal compensation. Call us to find out if you have a case for free at 800-862-1260 or use the live chat to get started. We look forward to serving you.

Contacting a Carabin Shaw attorney is free and does not obligate you to work with the firm.

¹KSAT Report

²Water Bead Accident Statistics


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