Place your hands on the wheel where the officer can see them
(September 28, 2022) The state of Texas has seen a significant surge of California residents moving in since 2020. In fact, a San Antonio Express-News report found that 92,560 California residents have forfeited their driver’s licenses after moving to Texas from 2020 to January 2022. In a recent viral Tik Tok video, a California comedian who had moved to Austin detailed his experiences in Texas traffic stops. According to the comedian, avoiding a traffic ticket from a Texan police officer is easy if you passionately share your personal reasons for “fleeing” California with the officer. While funny, this is not good advice for interacting with police officers during a traffic stop. In this article, we’ll go over the steps to take if you have been pulled over by a police officer so that the interaction is safe and non-confrontational for yourself and the officer.
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