
Serious Burn Injuries & Treatments in Centennial CO

If you have experienced catastrophic burn injuries in Centennial Colorado, you may be considering legal action. A personal injury claim is the best way to pursue compensation for both the economic impacts of your injuries and your pain and suffering. However, the legal process can seem obtuse and difficult, and you may feel discouraged from the outset.

Fortunately, affordable and approachable legal counsel is available. Carabin Shaw’s Centennial burn accident lawyers work on a contingency basis and are experienced in helping clients like you obtain settlements after debilitating burns. To learn more about our services and to see how we could help with your claim, call 800-862-1260 and schedule your free, no-obligation case review and initial consultation. English- and Spanish-speaking staff are available.

What Are the Different Categories of Burn?

Before an attorney will agree to assist you with a burn injury claim, they will likely want to know the degree of your burns.

First-degree burns affect the outermost layer of skin. They cause painful discoloration, but will heal on their own with no risk of infection.

First-degree burns are considered minor. They rarely require medical attention, and most Centennial CO burn injury attorneys will not be interested in helping you pursue a settlement over them.

Second-degree burns penetrate the outermost layer of skin and reach into the dermis, the second layer. These burns result in painful blisters, take several weeks to heal, and pose a risk of cellulitis.

Second-degree burns are sometimes minor and sometimes serious. Small, local burns may require no more than a check-up with a doctor, but if they cover a large amount of your body, or if you have autoimmune conditions, then medical intervention is advisable.

Third-degree burns penetrate the entire dermis. They leave the affected skin swollen with a dry and leather-like texture, and, due to the nerve damage they cause, are painless.

These burns require immediate medical treatment, as they can lead to severe infection and will likely require grafting. If you have suffered from third-degree burns, look for a Centennial burn accident lawyer to help you cover the costs of these treatments with a claim.

The total body surface area involvement, or TBSA, of a burn is also a useful metric. Burns above 20% TBSA are considered severe, and they usually require medical treatment.

How Are Serious Burns Treated?

Depending on the degree and TBSA of your burns, your treatment might include:

  • Intravenous medication for infection, hydration, blood pressure and pain
  • Topical antibiotics
  • A tetanus shot
  • Skin grafts
  • Excision and/or amputation

You can estimate the length of your hospital stay by TBSA: roughly one day for every percent.

How Much Does Severe Burn Treatment Cost?

Serious burn injuries & treatments can be very expensive, especially for the 7.8% of Colorado’s population that does not have health insurance. Some studies have estimated the average per-patient cost at around $50,000. This does not account for additional expenses, such as:

  • Pain medication prescriptions
  • Ongoing treatment for post-traumatic stress
  • Physical therapy
  • Lost wages
  • Wheelchairs and wheelchair-accessible home modifications

Burn injuries can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in economic damages. An experienced personal injury lawyer in Centennial Colorado can help you pursue compensation for both these costs and the noneconomic impacts of your injury.

What Noneconomic Damages Can I Pursue After a Catastrophic Burn?

Noneconomic damages address the ways that a severe burn alters your life outside of your finances, including:

  • Chronic pain
  • Physical disfiguration
  • Reduced mobility
  • Anxiety

Colorado currently caps noneconomic damages at $468,010, but this cap will be adjusted for inflation once every two years. The first such increase will occur on January 1, 2022.

Trusted Attorneys Serving Colorado Free Case Review

If you plan to pursue economic and noneconomic damages for your burns, good legal counsel will be essential. Call 800-862-1260 at your earliest convenience to set up a free consultation with the Colorado personal injury lawyers at Carabin Shaw.

Client Reviews
We are very glad we called Carabin Shaw after our accident. We now recommend them to everyone. - Griselda S.
You want Carabin Shaw on your side after an accident. They were excellent. - Valerie S.
In our opinion, no one is better, Carabin Shaw is the Law Firm you want on your side after an accident. - Amanda G.
The attorneys and staff went out of their way to help us after our accident. Thank you Carabin Shaw. - Melinda F.
We did our research after our accident and chose Carabin Shaw. They were great. Highly recommend. Joel Y.
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