Car Accident Attorneys Brownsville

Car Accidents - An Overview

Motor vehicle accidents happen nearly every minute of every day. Many results in injuries. Some of these injuries are catastrophic and deadly. When you or someone you love is involved in a serious Brownsville car accident, your first thought may not be to hire our auto accident attorneys, but perhaps it should be.

The Texas Department of Transportation Reports that for the year 2021 Brownsville, 10 traffic accident fatalities and 74 serious crashes left 89 individuals severely injured. In addition, more than 350 car accidents injured close to 500 passengers and drivers. If you were seriously hurt in one of these accidents, your second thought should be to give the Carabin Shaw law firm a call @ 800-800-862-1260.

Do I Really Need Car Accident Lawyers?

When you have been wronged or injured in any kind of accident due to someone else's negligence, your impulse is to seek justice now, seeking compensation, or you may want the ordeal to end. You may have considered accepting a settlement offer from the insurance company. A quick and early settlement might be swift, but most likely, it won't be fair and won't provide justice. For justice to prevail, your case needs to be analyzed and prepared by our experienced car accident attorney in Brownsville. If necessary, the Carabin Shaw law firm and its personal injury lawyers will present it in a court of law for litigation. A clear and robust presentation requires the involvement of our law firm. Our legal team is capable of a diligent investigation, has experience in dealing with the issues in your car crash case, and has expertise in handling cases involving severe injury, disability, and/or death. Call the Carabin Shaw Law Firm today @ 800-862-1260.

Accidents involving motor vehicles frequently result in injuries, pain and suffering, disfigurement, loss of income, property damage, and other inconveniences and expenses. There are many interrelated laws governing such accidents in Texas. In theory, it would be easy to determine who is at fault. In reality, the issue of fault - who should pay damages and how much - is complex. For example, when more than one party is potentially responsible for your injury, you may inadvertently release all parties by settling with just one.

Additionally, if you receive a damage award from the responsible party, you may be expected to reimburse your insurers for the payments they made to you. This is called subrogation and ensures you do not receive a double recovery. Our Brownsville car accident lawyer understands the intricacies of the law and can help you to avoid potential pitfalls on your way to recovery.

Whether your accident involves a car or cars, truck, bicycle, motorcycle, moped, snowmobile, plane, boat, wave runner, watercraft, train, or pedestrian, the issues involved in a motor vehicle accident fall into two broad basic categories: liability or fault and damages.

Liability: Whose Fault Was It?

The idea of fault in a car collision case generally revolves around the issue of negligence. Negligence is defined as the failure to use reasonable due care to avoid foreseeable harm to a person, place, or thing. The care due is based on the particular situation you are in. In short, you are expected to behave with the care that a reasonable person would exercise. A reasonable person generally would not drive their car in such a way that they would likely injure someone. A person who behaves unreasonably or negligently is responsible for the injuries and/or damages that result.

It sounds simple. But what if the weather was particularly bad the night of the accident? What if your vehicle malfunctioned due to a design flaw? What if the other driver's vehicle malfunctioned due to an error by the repair shop? What if the road was in poor condition or the signs were confusing or misleading? What if more than two vehicles are involved in the accident? What if there is only one vehicle involved? What if one of the drivers had been drinking all night at a bar before the accident? What if they had been drinking at someone's house? What if that drunk driver was not the one who caused the accident? What if you or your loved one were partly to blame?

The questions and answers in an accident seldom follow textbook examples. Accidents are often the result of several factors. A motor vehicle accident may involve negligence by one or more drivers, a repair shop, a vehicle manufacturer, or even the State of Texas. The accident may also involve product liability, liquor liability and/or intentional or reckless conduct. Because liability issues in an accident can be complicated, you must take immediate action to preserve your rights when you or a loved one are in an accident. That is why you need an experienced lawyer with the resources to examine all of the issues surrounding your accident. The personal injury attorney at Carabin Shaw has the experience and resources to preserve evidence related to your auto collision claim, thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding your accident, and ensure that you have access to physicians and other expert witnesses who will thoroughly evaluate your injuries and provide you with the most appropriate care so that you can concentrate on your recovery.

Damages: How Much Will I Receive?

Although an accident can occur in minutes, the financial, legal, and emotional toll can last a lifetime. When you or a loved one are involved in a serious accident, there will likely be days when you think that no amount of money will compensate you for the losses and pain you have suffered. And there may be days when you are tempted to take whatever money an insurance adjuster offers you just so you can pay some of your bills. An experienced attorney can not only help you to sort through the liability issues surrounding your claim but also help you to understand better the types of damages you are entitled to.

Contrary to what you might think, no chart predetermines the damages you are entitled to in a motor vehicle accident. Rather, damages are awarded to injured parties based upon Texas law. Under the law when you are injured by another you are entitled to be compensated for your injuries. Such compensatory damages include pain and suffering, medical bills, loss of income, the cost of replacement services, loss of consortium, and damage to property. Some of these damages may have been paid by your medical insurance, disability insurance, and the insurance on your vehicle. Nevertheless, the party responsible for your injuries is still liable for the damages.

At Carabin Shaw, our policy is to help our clients recover physically as much as possible before initiating their claim. We believe it is crucial to understand the permanent medical issues, disability, pain, and suffering our clients will face in the future. While you concentrate on getting better we use our experience, expertise, and knowledge of the medical treatment, rehabilitative, and economic experts to ensure that all areas of liability and damages are thoroughly examined so that you receive the maximum monetary recovery for your injuries. We go hard after the insurance companies to get you the compensation you deserve.

Will my Case Go to Trial?

Contrary to what you see on television, it is unlikely that you can walk into a lawyer's office one day and expect to be in a trial the next day. Even if you could, such expediency would not be desirable. Careful preparation is the key to success in a lawsuit. And you may be surprised to find that generally when a case is well prepared for trial, it is more likely to settle. Our firm provides a team to investigate and prepare your case so that we can obtain the best possible outcome for you. As a general rule, once we feel that you have reached maximum medical improvement and fully investigated your claim, we will initiate settlement discussions with the appropriate parties from the insurance companies. If the defendant fails to make a settlement offer we feel is appropriate to recommend to you, we will recommend commencing a lawsuit. Once the lawsuit is commenced, there will still be several additional opportunities to discuss settlement before trial. If the settlement discussions are not fruitful, our experience in trying motor vehicle accident cases will ensure you get the best possible representation.


When you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a Brownsville motor vehicle accident, you need an experienced legal team on your side. At our law firm, we take the time to ensure that our clients receive the care they need to obtain the maximum physical and financial recovery from their injuries. For a free consultation, give us a call today @ 800-862-1260 to discuss your accident claim.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

Client Reviews
We are very glad we called Carabin Shaw after our accident. We now recommend them to everyone. - Griselda S.
You want Carabin Shaw on your side after an accident. They were excellent. - Valerie S.
In our opinion, no one is better, Carabin Shaw is the Law Firm you want on your side after an accident. - Amanda G.
The attorneys and staff went out of their way to help us after our accident. Thank you Carabin Shaw. - Melinda F.
We did our research after our accident and chose Carabin Shaw. They were great. Highly recommend. Joel Y.