
Man Ejected From Vehicle in Single-Vehicle Accident

Drivers are often seriously injured when ejected from the vehicle.


Single-Vehicle Accident Hospitalizes Driver After Being Ejected From Vehicle

According to a KSAT News report, a man was seriously injured after a single-vehicle rollover accident caused him to be ejected from his car.

Police reported the man was traveling on Highway 90 just before 2:30 a.m. on September 11, 2023, when the crash occurred. For unknown reasons, the man lost control of the car and rolled it onto the frontage road. He was ejected from the car and suffered a broken leg, head injury, and scratches. He was transported to the hospital in stable condition.

Did You Know?

According to the NHTSA, people ejected from cars in motor vehicle accidents are 3x more likely to suffer fatal injuries than those in the vehicle.

What You Need To Know About Ejection Accidents in San Antonio

Being ejected from your vehicle is a scary thought — nationwide data consistently shows that people ejected from their vehicle in an accident are highly likely to be seriously or fatally injured. In this post, we’ll cover why these accidents happen, the types of injuries that are common in these accidents, and how to prevent them.

3 Top Factors Contributing to Ejection Accidents

There are a few factors common to accidents where one or more persons are ejected from vehicles:

  1. Sudden, Forceful Impact — Certain accidents are far more likely to cause ejections. Rollover accidents are the most common type of accident for occupant ejection. Multi-vehicle accidents also frequently involve ejections because the force of being smashed between two vehicles can send occupants through the windshield.
  2. Lack of Seatbelt — Occupants not wearing a seatbelt are far more likely to be ejected in any type of accident. Also, children who are not in a car seat or in an improperly installed car seat are at greater risk of vehicle ejection in an accident.
  3. Defective Vehicles — Malfunctioning door latches, poorly designed vehicles, and weak windshields contribute to occupant ejection.

Common Injuries in Ejection Accidents

Serious injuries that are common to ejection accidents in San Antonio include:

  • Broken Bones
  • Cuts and Scrapes
  • Head Injury
  • TBI
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Severe Bruising
  • Road Rash and Friction Burns
  • Internal Organ Damage

These injuries often lead to lifelong battles for the victims of ejection accidents. Especially in the case of spinal cord injury and TBI, victims may lose the ability to function normally and care for themselves as a result of their injuries.

3 Ways to Protect Yourself From Ejection Accidents

All auto accidents are preventable. Here are 3 ways to prevent being ejected from your vehicle in a San Antonio auto accident.

  1. Drive at Safe Speeds — The speed at which you make an impact affects the likelihood of being ejected from your vehicle.
  2. Buckle Up — Wearing a seatbelt prevents most vehicle ejection accidents (45%). Ensure children are in the appropriate car seat for their age and weight.
  3. Maintain Your Vehicle — Make sure that your door latches, seat belts, and windows are all functioning properly at regular intervals.

The safest accident is no accident at all. But, if you were hurt or lost a loved one in an ejection accident in San Antonio, Carabin Shaw can help.

Hire Carabin Shaw Personal Injury Attorneys in San Antonio

Ejection accidents in San Antonio are serious — so are we. Carabin Shaw has 30 years of experience representing serious injury cases for our clients, including debilitating injuries and wrongful death cases. Contact our team today at 800-862-1260 or use the live chat at the bottom right of your screen to get your case evaluated for free. We put our clients first because we care. We look forward to serving you.

¹KSAT News report

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