
Pickup Truck Sends Sedan Crashing Into Trailer and Building in South Side Accident

Are you responsible if another vehicle pushes you into a building?


Pickup Truck Hits Sedan, Sending It Into a U-Haul Building and Trailer on the South Side

According to a KSAT News report, a driver has been arrested for a DWI after a South Side accident early yesterday morning that sent one vehicle into a storage facility.

Police reported the accident occurred at around 12:20 a.m. at a U-Haul storage facility at Southeast Miltary Drive and Logwood Avenue. A white pickup truck reportedly drove into a Sedan, sending the Sedan into a trailer and the storage facility. There were no reported injuries as a result of the crash. One of the drivers, an unidentified 24-year-old man, was arrested for a DWI. Further details on the condition of the building were not released.

Did You Know?

At least 100 vehicles crash into commercial buildings every day in the United States.

Whose Fault Is It When a Car Crashes Into a Building in San Antonio?

Just because your car crashes into a building doesn’t necessarily mean you’re at fault in San Antonio.

Cars crash into stores and businesses every day in the United States, though you probably never think about it. As a result, thousands of people are hurt — and this is a reportedly low estimate.

So how can you tell whose fault it is when a car crashes into a building? Let’s take a look.

Liability in San Antonio: How It Works.

In Texas, the person who caused the accident pays for the accident, usually through insurance coverage. But, when multiple parties are involved in an accident, it can get difficult to pin down fault. It could rest with:

  • The Driver — If you hit the gas instead of the brakes and crashed into the building (yes, that happens a lot), you would be at fault.
  • Another Driver — If another driver runs you off the road, or if they hit you and knock you into the building, they would be at fault.
  • A Vehicle Manufacturer — If your airbag suddenly deploys, your brakes fail, or some other defect causes you to hit the building, the vehicle manufacturer may be to blame.
  • The Property Owner — If the property owner knew about a dangerous condition or frequent crashes and did nothing about it, they may bear some fault if you crash into their building.

Additionally, Texas follows a comparative fault rule. This means that multiple parties can bear partial responsibility for the accident, determined by a percentage. For example:

Let’s say you’re speeding and have to come to a sudden stop. A vehicle was following too closely behind you and rammed into you, causing you to hit a building. After analyzing your case, a jury determines that you are 35% responsible for the accident. Your settlement value for your injuries was originally $400,000. Because you are 35% responsible, you have 35% of that value subtracted from the original settlement value and end up with $260,000.

Important note: If you are more than 50% responsible for an accident, you can’t claim any damages.

Injured in a Vehicle-Into-Building Accident? Call Carabin Shaw.

Carabin Shaw has represented those hurt by vehicles crashing into buildings in San Antonio for over 30 years. We’re a trusted name in San Antonio because we put our clients first.

If you were hurt in a vehicle-into-building crash in San Antonio, give our firm a call at 800-862-1260 or hop into the live chat to get your case evaluated by an attorney for free. No fee, no obligation, just expert advice. We look forward to serving you.

Contacting a Carabin Shaw attorney is free and does not obligate you to work with the firm.

¹KSAT Report


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