
Woman Loses Control, Rolls Pickup Truck on the North Side

Can you sue for compensation if your pet was hurt in an auto accident?


Woman, Dog Narrowly Avoid Serious Injury in Rollover Accident

According to a KSAT News report, a woman and her pet narrowly avoided injury after rolling her pickup truck on the North Side.

Police reported the injury occurred at around 4:45 a.m. on Wurzbach Parkway, near Northwest Military Highway and Phil Hardberger Park on April 1st. The woman driving a pickup truck lost control of her vehicle, causing it to roll. No other vehicles were involved in the accident, and police believe wet roads at the time were a primary contributor. The woman and her dog, who was in the vehicle at the time, were not injured. The investigation is ongoing.

Did You Know?

Only 16% of people who travel with dogs use pet safety restraints.

Pets and Auto Accidents in Texas: What You Need to Know

Do you take your dog with you on road trips? You’re not alone — over 80% of dog owners take their dogs with them on road trips across the United States. But those fur babies are in danger of serious injury when not properly restrained, and almost nobody uses proper pet safety restraints.

An unrestrained pet can make an impact at a force 40 times their own weight in an auto accident at just 25 mph. This is not only lethal levels of force for the pet, but also dangerous for the people inside the vehicle.

Can I Claim Damages if My Dog Was Injured or Killed in an Auto Accident?

Pets are family. As the world becomes increasingly pet-friendly, it’s only natural that we take our pets with us. But what happens when they’re hurt in an auto accident?

In Texas, pets are viewed as property, legally speaking. That means that you can be compensated for negligent injury to your pet, just like you can sue for damaged property. Pet compensation usually includes:

  • Cost of veterinary bills,
  • Market value cost to replace the pet,
  • and possible punitive damages.

Texas drivers are legally required to carry at least $25,000 in property damage coverage. Of course, this coverage only applies if the other driver is insured and was at fault in the auto accident.

How to Keep Pets Safe During Car Trips

These safety tips can help avoid serious injuries to your pet:

  • Use Pet Restraints — Pets should not roam freely around a moving car. It’s dangerous for them and is a distraction for the driver.
  • The Back Seat is Safer — Airbags are designed for people, not pets. Keep furry friends in the back seat to avoid airbag injuries.
  • Heads Inside — Dogs hanging their heads out of the window is admittedly adorable, but it exposes them to risk of injury from passing vehicles and road debris.
  • Bring a Buddy — Pets can be a big distraction for drivers, which makes them more likely to get in an accident. Assign a passenger pet duty to reduce this risk when possible

Of course, you can do everything right and still have your pet injured in an auto accident.

Dog Injured in an Auto Accident? Call Carabin Shaw.

If your pet was injured in an auto accident, you may be entitled to compensation. We can help you find out for free.

Carabin Shaw has been serving Texas for more than 30 years. We’re a trusted name in San Antonio because we put our clients first. If your pet was injured in an auto accident, call our team at 800-862-1260, or use the live chat to schedule your free consultation. We look forward to serving you.

Contacting a Carabin Shaw attorney is free and does not obligate you to work with the firm. 

¹KSAT Report

²Pet Car Safety Statistics


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