
Protecting Passenger Rights in Rideshare Assault Cases - Austin TX Attorneys

Every time that an Austin citizen enters a rideshare vehicle, they are putting their very livelihood in the hands of the driver. While most drivers do their utmost to take that responsibility seriously, others cause harm willfully. If you have been the victim of physical assault from a rideshare driver, the Austin TX rideshare assault attorneys at Carabin Shaw will help you to hold that driver accountable for their actions.

Every rideshare passenger deserves to feel confident in their own safety while using Uber or Lyft. A rideshare violence lawyer in Austin can help you to gather evidence for your injury claim, communicate with insurance companies, and ensure that you have the time and resources you need to focus on recovery.

To learn about how we can help you and your loved ones, schedule a free case review by calling the toll-free number 800-862-1260, where our experts are ready to take your call 24/7.

Uber/Lyft Trips in Austin

Rideshare apps have exploded in popularity over the last few years, with as many as 36% of adults using Uber and Lyft according to Consumer Notice. With Austin’s population of nearly 975,000 according to the U.S. Census Bureau, this means that Uber and Lyft serve over 350,000 Austin residents.

Each of these hundreds of thousands of residents is entitled to safe services, provided by drivers who will protect their legal rights. When those rights are violated through physical assault, rideshare violence lawyers in Austin have the resources and experience you need to win compensation and justice for the damages you may have sustained.

How an Austin Lawyer Can Support You

At all times, the ultimate goal of our team is to protect the rights of rideshare passengers. This means that, at every opportunity, we seek to prioritize the best interests of our clients and ensure that they have access to the tools and resources they need. In order to support you as best as we can, we will:

Establish Liability

Liability in rideshare injury claims is always complicated, and a Lyft or Uber assault lawyer knows how to guarantee that these companies do not avoid fault. On the heels of a physical assault incident from a rideshare drive, the affiliated company will often try to hide behind the fact that their drivers are, technically, contractors and not employees.

More and more, the U.S. government has limited the abilities of rideshare companies to shirk responsibility for hiring dangerous individuals. Now, experienced attorneys have the tools necessary to hold both the driver and rideshare company accountable.

For examples of our past endeavors, visit the Carabin Shaw reviews.

Win Your Maximum Compensation

Rideshare assaults can result in any number of damages to the passenger and victim, some of which go beyond the resources that Uber or Lyft insurance policies can cover.

An Uber and Lyft passenger injury lawyer will meticulously collect information on all damages that you can seek compensation for, so that you don;t have to concern yourself with financial struggles while you focus on healing from your injuries.

Offer Cost-Free Services

In addition to our free case review, we offer our services on a contingency-fee basis. Regardless of what type of injury claim you are filing, or how long it takes, you pay nothing for the guidance of our trusted lawyers until your case has been won and your settlement is in your hands.

Rideshare Assault? Don't Wait - Fight Back & Get Justice NOW! (Call Us Today)

Justice and compensation are both rights owed to victims of rideshare physical assault. While a criminal case can lead to penalties against your assailant, a personal injury claim is what can win you the compensation you need in the aftermath.

To learn more about how our lawyers will fight to recover compensation for your physical and emotional damages, call our English and Spanish-speaking staff at your earliest convenience.

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Client Reviews
We are very glad we called Carabin Shaw after our accident. We now recommend them to everyone. - Griselda S.
You want Carabin Shaw on your side after an accident. They were excellent. - Valerie S.
In our opinion, no one is better, Carabin Shaw is the Law Firm you want on your side after an accident. - Amanda G.
The attorneys and staff went out of their way to help us after our accident. Thank you Carabin Shaw. - Melinda F.
We did our research after our accident and chose Carabin Shaw. They were great. Highly recommend. Joel Y.
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