Can My Child Recover Damages After Fort Worth Daycare Sexual Abuse?

Almost every parent has to rely on daycare, after-school programs, extra-curricular activities, or church youth groups from time to time. Terrifyingly, the people running these programs may not be trustworthy. According to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN), an American child is sexually assaulted every nine minutes. If your child was sexually abused by a caregiver in Fort Worth Tx, your family has options.

The Texas child injury lawyers at Carabin Shaw have worked with countless families facing the trauma and lasting damages of daycare sexual abuse. Compensation can help alleviate further pain and suffering. To date, we have recovered over one billion dollars in damages for our clients. Call us today for a free case review.

Signs of Daycare Sexual Abuse

Most children will not blatantly speak about sexual trauma because of their age or out of shame. Therefore, changes in behavior are often a parent’s first sign of abuse. But be aware—it is extremely rare for children to lie about sexual abuse. If your child does say something, believe them and contact the authorities and child sexual abuse attorneys in Fort Worth right away.

The most common signs of daycare sexual abuse include play of a sexual nature (such as pretending to perform or making dolls perform sex acts), talking about sexually advanced subjects, bedwetting, nightmares, increased desire for physical affection, aggression, withdrawal, mood swings, and a sudden fear of attending daycare or other extracurricular activities.

When children are too young to understand or verbalize their abuse, or too afraid, we must rely on their behavior to tell us something is wrong. Of course, the above signs can be attributed to other causes, such as puberty, but they may be indicative of sexual trauma. If your child is exhibiting these behaviors and you suspect abuse, contact the police and Carabin Shaw to know what steps to take.

Recovering Damages After Daycare Sexual Abuse

No amount of legal repercussions on your child’s abuser will cancel out the trauma of molestation. However, compensation can help alleviate any financial damages. For example, some parents lose wages or employment while helping their children recover from Fort Worth daycare abuse. Additionally, most victims require some kind of physical and mental health care, including STI treatment and ongoing therapy. An experienced lawyer can help you file a claim and seek compensation. Potential damages can be collected from:

The Abuser(s)

Obviously, the individual or individuals who molested your child are at fault. You can seek compensation from them, but they may have limited assets.

The Abuser’s Insurance

If the abuser isn’t capable of paying damages, their insurance may be able to award your family compensation.

The Daycare Owner or Operator

With any establishment that cares for children, from daycares to schools to churches, the duty of care extends beyond a single individual. Daycare owners, corporations, or government entities may all be liable when abuse occurs in their facilities.

For example, the Fort Worth Roman Catholic Diocese settled a molestation claim in 2012 after they failed to remove a priest from his North Richland Hills placement, even after multiple allegations of sexual abuse. Failure to act made the diocese liable for the abuse.

If you’ve asked yourself, “Can my child recover damages after Fort Worth daycare sexual abuse?”, the answer is a resounding yes. A licensed attorney is instrumental in investigating daycare sexual abuse claims, establishing liability, and recovering damages to help your family move on from the trauma.

Call for a Free Case Review with Carabin Shaw

Your children are the most important people in your life, which is why sexual abuse is so devasting. Don’t suffer alone—and don’t hesitate to seek compensation for the lasting negative effects of daycare abuse. Our Texas child injury lawyers at Carabin Shaw are here to help.

Call us toll-free at 800-862-1260 for a free initial consultation. English and Spanish-speaking representatives are standing by 24/7.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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