Expert Laredo, Texas Legal Representation for Truck Accident Victims - Developing a Personal Injury Case
Laredo is considered the top port in the country in terms of trade value, with more than 5.5 million truck crossings annually and 650 trucking and transportation companies. Many commercial vehicles travel on Laredo roadways daily, making this city a top spot for semi-truck accidents. Victims of these accidents often face long-lasting injuries that prevent them from returning to work and impact their quality of life.
Commercial vehicle crash cases can be complex since multiple parties and insurance companies could be involved. The Laredo personal injury lawyers at Carabin Shaw help accident victims build a case to pursue maximum damages for their injuries and losses. If you have been injured, contact our team 24/7 at 800-862-1260 for a free case review.
While personal injury cases involving commercial trucks are often complicated, the basic steps to building a case are usually the same:
Seek Emergency and Medical AttentionAny accident in Texas that results in injuries, death, or more than $1,000 in damages requires a police investigation. In addition, accident victims should seek medical attention at the scene or immediately following the incident. See a doctor even if you don’t think you have serious injuries since some damage may not immediately be apparent. This examination can document your injuries and possible treatment needs to help build your case.
Collect Evidence at the SceneGather evidence at the accident scene if you can. Photos of the vehicles, road conditions, and injuries are critical for developing your personal injury case. Collect witnesses’ names and contact information and request a copy of the police report. Your personal injury attorney can also get witness statements and documentation from the trucking company, like driver logs, to strengthen your case.
What to Know About Proportionate ResponsibilityAs you gather evidence, remember you may be eligible for damages from multiple parties under Texas’s proportionate responsibility rule. According to state law, every party contributing to an accident is liable for a percentage of the damages owed to victims. You can even collect damages if you were partly at fault for the crash, as long as your responsibility is less than 50 percent of the total fault.
File a Claim With the Insurance CompanyOnce you determine who was responsible for the accident, you may file a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company. Insurance claims may seem straightforward, but that is not always true. Insurance companies are known for prioritizing profits over the well-being of accident victims. Your claim could get significantly reduced or denied without an experienced lawyer to protect your rights and maximize your damages.
Negotiate a Settlement Through Your Truck Accident Lawyer in Laredo TXInsurance companies often offer a settlement immediately following a commercial truck accident, but the initial offer is rarely what your personal injury case is worth. Your Laredo truck accident lawyers will consider all the aspects of your case, including intangible losses like emotional distress and loss of enjoyment of life. These losses are a genuine part of your recovery process and increase your damages to ensure you have enough compensation to restore your life to as close to normal as possible. Our client reviews attest to how Carabin Shaw maximizes settlements to get sufficient compensation for our clients.
File a Lawsuit if Negotiations FailYou can often reach a satisfactory settlement with the insurance companies through the negotiation process. You can file a personal injury lawsuit to pursue full compensation if not. While settlement negotiations often continue during the pre-trial process, your legal team will also participate in a discovery process to exchange information, take depositions, and collect expert testimony to strengthen and resolve your case without going to trial whenever possible.
Don’t Fight Alone, Contact Our 18 Wheeler Accident Attorneys in Laredo, Texas Now To Schedule Your FREE CONSULTATION!Our English- and Spanish-speaking professionals at Carabin Shaw will help you navigate the complexities of personal injury law and the challenges of negotiating with insurance companies. We offer our services on a contingency-fee-basis, so you don’t owe anything until you receive your settlement. Contact our office now at 800-862-1260.
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