
After an 18 Wheeler Accident in Midland: What Now?

In early 2018, an oilfield drilling truck collided with a commercial vehicle in Midland. Though this accident would once have been unusual, by the time it happened it was part of a disturbing trend: according to the Midland-Odessa Transportation Alliance (MOTRAN), crashes involving commercial vehicles in Midland County grew 25% between 2016 and 2017. Accidents like these lead survivors to ask, “After an 18 wheeler accident in Midland: What now?” If you are in this position, speaking with a lawyer might help you determine how best to proceed.

Permian Accident Statistics

Driving in the Permian Basin, home to Midland and Odessa, has become increasingly dangerous. Even though only 2% of Texans live in this area, 11% of all 2017 traffic deaths in the state occurred here. This figure translates to 405 fatalities out of 3,721. Gene Powell, Texas Department of Transportation public information officer for the Odessa district, attributes this rise in wrecks to the growing number of commercial vehicles on the road.

MOTRAN further illuminates the dangers semis pose. It reports:

  • 18 wheeler-related fatalities at least doubled in Andrews and Midland.
  • Large trucks were involved in 15% of Midland crashes in 2017.
  • Commercial vehicles were responsible for 36% of traffic fatalities in Midland in 2017.

This information tells us that if you were in a semitruck accident in Midland, you are not alone. 18 wheeler wreck lawyers can leverage this data to bolster your case.

Common Causes of Commercial Truck Accidents

Midland truck injury lawyers know that to make a good case, we need to go back and learned what caused your commercial vehicle accident in Midland. Doing so will help your attorneys create a solid 18 wheeler crash lawsuit that ensures you receive the maximum compensation to which you are entitled.

Some of these causes include:

  • Driver fatigue: Exhausting schedules, irregular sleep, and intense pressure to meet delivery deadlines can lead to unsafe driving. While the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration requires all truckers to log their hours and stop driving after reaching an established maximum, some drivers falsify these logs to increase their productivity. Though most commercial truck drivers are responsible, some are reckless with their safety and yours.
  • Overweight or imbalanced cargo: Truckers are responsible for correctly loading their vehicles. This step helps secure both their safety and the safety of other drivers. An overweight load can cause other systems on the truck, such as the brakes, to malfunction. Additionally, a load shift or loss of load can cause the truck to swing or roll, obstructing roadways and endangering motorists.
  • Poor maintenance: Lawyers know that semis require regular maintenance to run safely. Drivers and trained mechanics need to inspect the cab, trailer, tires, and hydraulic brakes to keep large trucks operational. If the trucker or the trucking company failed to check the vehicle, then they may be at fault.

Learning about the circumstances surrounding the accident will help your attorney discover who was at fault, which affects the compensation you receive and determines who pays it.

An 18-Wheeler Accident Attorney in Midland Can Build Your Case

The Midland trucking accident lawyers of Carabin Shaw understand the complexities of fault in personal injury cases. In commercial vehicle accidents, the most common at-fault parties are truck drivers, trucking companies, and parts manufacturers. Our team has experience with each type of lawsuit, and we will use what we know to help you secure the payment you deserve.

Call us today to schedule a no-obligation free consultation with a Texas 18 wheeler accident lawyer. We’ll use this time to listen to you, look over your case materials, and answer your questions. From the beginning, we want to be your partner on the path to justice.

To speak with a Carabin Shaw attorney in Midland, dial 432-620-0544 or call us toll-free at 800-862-1260.

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We are very glad we called Carabin Shaw after our accident. We now recommend them to everyone. - Griselda S.
You want Carabin Shaw on your side after an accident. They were excellent. - Valerie S.
In our opinion, no one is better, Carabin Shaw is the Law Firm you want on your side after an accident. - Amanda G.
The attorneys and staff went out of their way to help us after our accident. Thank you Carabin Shaw. - Melinda F.
We did our research after our accident and chose Carabin Shaw. They were great. Highly recommend. Joel Y.
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