Was Your Child Harmed at Daycare in Houston
For many working families in Houston Texas, having access to a trustworthy daycare facility is essential. Parents recognize the integral role that daycare centers play in their child’s health and development, and seek out facilities that take their responsibility to care for a child seriously.
And yet, as Texas attorneys at Carabin Shaw know, daycare abuse happens with alarming frequency. Recent investigations by the Austin American-Statesman indicated that in the last decade alone, as many as 450 children fell victim to sexual abuse within Texas daycares. With tragic statistics like these, it’s no question that many Texas families will need guidance on how to recognize and stop daycare abuse, as well as how to take appropriate steps to protect their child’s wellbeing into the future. Daycare injury lawyers in Houston have the experience needed to help families answer these questions and fight for the resources they need to initiate their child’s recovery. By working with our specialized attorneys, victims can be assured we’ll take all the steps necessary to secure the justice they so rightfully deserve.
Recognizing Signs of Daycare AbuseIn a perfect world, no parent would have to worry that their child could be mistreated at daycare. Yet, recognizing the early warning signs of sexual abuse is the first step needed to intervene in ways that protect a child and hold perpetrators accountable for their wrongdoing. While no two children will respond to abuse in exactly the same manner, parents can learn to watch for the following common physical and behavioral signs of abuse:
- Symptoms of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
- Redness or swelling in the genital regions
- Clinging behavior and fear of strangers or daycare employees
- Angry outbursts or sudden mood swings
- Frequent nightmares or bedwetting
- Sudden interest in sex or acting out sexual behaviors in play
According to Houston child injury attorneys, many child victims of sexual abuse will be too frightened or ashamed to tell a parent about how they’ve been harmed. Because of this, parents and other caregivers will need to learn to look out for these common signs in order to recognize abuse as soon as it occurs.
How a Houston Attorney Can HelpBeyond contacting the police and ensuring that a child has access to appropriate medical treatment, parents may not know what steps they should take in the aftermath of an incident of daycare abuse. The Texas attorneys at Carabin Shaw want families to know exactly what their legal rights are so that they can respond effectively and secure the compensation their child deserves.
Our specialized lawyers have the training to conduct in-depth investigations that allow them to determine which parties may hold legal liability for an incident of abuse. With years of experience, our attorneys know how to pursue civil lawsuits skillfully so that victims aren’t taken advantage of by insurance companies.
The Trusted Law Firm for Houston Daycare Abuse | Free Case ReviewWas your child harmed at daycare? If the answer to this question is yes, speaking with a trained legal professional is the best step you can take to ensure that you secure all of the resources you need to help bring about your child’s recovery. The attorneys at Carabin Shaw have the necessary training and experience to ensure that all liable parties are held responsible and that you recover all of the compensation you deserve.
Our English and Spanish-speaking staff is available to speak with our clients 24/7 to ensure that you get the timely assistance you need. Call us at 800-862-1260 to get started with your free initial consultation.