Failure to Register as a Sex Offender
Many of the sexually based crimes require that the person convicted of the crime register with local law enforcement in their area. Whenever the registered sex offender moves, he or she must re-register in the new jurisdiction.
Failure to comply with the registration rules prescribed in a particular jurisdiction will result in additional criminal charges and, if convicted, further penalties. Failing to maintain current registration with local sex or violent offender lists only compounds your problems by adding further criminal charges and penalties.
Often, charges of this nature stem from the defendant's misunderstanding or a total lack of knowledge of their registration requirements. For example, a defendant may have completed his or her registration requirements in one particular jurisdiction but, by relocating to another jurisdiction, they are again required to register in their new location. The defendant may assume that the new jurisdiction has the same registration rules as the old jurisdiction or that his/her registration is automatically transferred to the new jurisdiction. This is simply not the law and this circumstance creates the new charge being brought against the person required to register.
DefensesThere are defenses to this situation. However, you must find an attorney who is familiar with these situations and knows how to deal with them. Because we have a national practice, we often run up against these problems where the laws of one jurisdiction conflict with those of other states.
Requirements vary from state to state. It is important to seek legal counsel familiar with the various registration requirements. Obtaining legal counsel is just as important when faced with Failure to Register charges as it was when defending the original charges.
An experienced attorney with a background in these cases and sexual and violent crimes defense can often dramatically reduce the penalties resulting from failure to register.
Why Hire Us?Carabin Shaw attorneys are determined to gather the resources necessary to create the most favorable outcome possible for their clients and have a track record of generating those results. They grew frustrated with the fact that thousands of people still suffer life-altering consequences because they do not have the ability to mount an adequate defense.
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