(May 1, 2022) On Monday, April 24, 2022, two 18-wheelers collided with each other on Interstate 10 near downtown San Antonio, as reported by KSAT. The accident occurred while one truck was attempting to change lanes and lost control of the vehicle. It was raining at the time, and the roads were very slick, which seemed to contribute to the accident. The rig swerved, causing it to collide with a nearby 18-wheeler, which then jackknifed across all but one lane of I-10. The cabin then slid off the highway onto the lower level. Police reported that the cabin becoming wedged to the lower level of the highway was what prevented the whole rig from flipping completely over. It remained stuck dangling from the wall. No other vehicles were caught in the accident, and there were surprisingly no injuries reported as of May 1, 2022. The entire incident was captured on the dashcam of a closely following driver, who then shared the video with KSAT news.
Tips for safe driving in inclement weather conditions:
Whether you’re an experienced, confident driver, or brand-new to driving, it’s important to practice safe driving in inclement weather conditions. Even light rain can cause the roads to become very slick with lingering oil and dirt, greatly increasing the risk of hydroplaning or losing control of your vehicle. Additionally, our beautiful San Antonio hill country has many areas at high risk for flooding on the road. Here are some safe driving techniques you can use to make sure you’re driving safely.