Common Risks of Motorcycle Riding

San Antonio has plenty of open roads for motorcyclists; from the city lights of downtown to the scenic views of the Texas Hill Country, the sights to see are endless. The freedom of the open road and the wind on your back is exhilarating.

Unfortunately, due to the unprotected nature of motorcycle riding, accidents can often lead to injury, or worse, death. If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, call the law office of Carabin Shaw today, so we can have our San Antonio motorcycle injury lawyer consult with you to decide your next move.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents and How They Impact You:

Low Visual Profile

Motorcycles are much smaller than other cars and trucks on the road. This makes them more difficult to see, especially in heavy traffic or in adverse weather conditions. Nearly 3 out of 4 motorcycle on passenger vehicle accidents occur at intersections where it is especially important for drivers to be aware of motorcyclists, but all too often, they are not. Being struck by a car turning left at an intersection is one of the many common risks of motorcycle riding.

Hazards in the Road

Objects in the road are more dangerous to motorcyclists. Debris in the road, potholes, slick surfaces caused by oil or other substances, puddles, unevenly paved roads, gravel, and many other types of road hazards are minor nuisances to vehicle drivers, but can cause loss of control of a motorcycle leading to serious accidents and injuries.

Loss of Control Due to Manufacturer Defect or Improper Maintenance

If a motorcycle’s front and rear tires are not in proper alignment, the front end can become unstable at high speeds and shake or “wobble.” Should this high speed wobble result in an accident, and this is due to poor manufacturing or negligent work done at a repair shop, these parties may be held responsible for damages and injuries sustained. If you find yourself in an accident caused by the negligence of someone else we have our lawyers in San Antonio are ready to help you with your claim.

Novice Riders and unfamiliarity with Operation of a Motorcycle

Some motorcycle accidents are not the result of the reckless behavior of another driver, but because the rider is not skilled at operating a motorcycle. Motorcycle operation requires a certain amount of understanding of the vehicle’s limitations and physical condition to operate safely. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident in San Antonio call our office today so we can have on of our skilled attorneys put on your case.

Top Ten Tips to Avoid a Motorcycle Accident:
  1. Ride Sober
    Just like when operating a car don't drink and drive. Staying sober or planning ahead to have a sober ride will help you stay safe on the road and get you home in one piece.
  2. Drive Slow
    Driving the speed limit will limit your risk out on the road and give you the ability to safely navigate around dangerous obstacles while riding.
  3. Always Wear Your Gear
    Always be sure to wear long sleeves, pants made from thick leather or denim, a jacket, boots, and a helmet. The idea is to put as many layers of gear between your body and the road. Wearing the wrong attire while on a motorcycle can be a costly and painful mistake in the event you are involved in one of the many motorcycle accidents that takes place in San Antonio everyday.
  4. Go Easy On Turns
    Let off the gas when approaching turns and keep yourself from sliding off the road into a guardrail or tree.
  5. Make Sure Other Drivers Can See You
    Make yourself visible. Always assume other drivers can not see you to protect yourself from being injured by a motorist, especially at intersections.
  6. Highways are Great, City Streets are Dangerous
    While riding on the highway, drivers cannot turn against your right-of-way, which enables you to be in a much safer position.
  7. Keep Your Eye on the Vehicle Ahead of You
    Always be mindful of what the driver is doing ahead of you and keep a good distance to avoid a rear end collision.
  8. Watch the Driver Behind You
    Assume the driver behind you does not see you and, if need be, split lanes to avoid being rear ended. Being rear ended by a distracted driver is perhaps one of the most commonrisks of motorcycle riding. If you have been rear ended while riding in San Antonio contact one of our lawyers today so they can further advise you on what to do next.
  9. Stay Out Of Bad Weather
    Keep an eye on weather forecasts and plan ahead for your trips. Even the slightest amount of moisture on the road can cause major accidents.
  10. Get Proper Training

Education is everyone’s best resource when it comes to safety on the road. Both motorcyclists and motorists alike can benefit from proper training. Whether it’s knowing how to operate a motorcycle, the common risks of motorcycle riding,or how to share the road, educating yourself on proper rules of riding is the best step you can take in keeping you and your loved ones safe on the road.

Even if you take all the right precautions, there is still plenty of room for error. If you or a family member has been injured or killed in a motorcycle accident, no matter the cause or who is at fault, having an experienced motorcycle law attorney is vital to receiving the compensation for any damages or injuries suffered. Carabin Shaw has a team of experienced attorneys who will work day and night to protect your rights and deliver the compensation that you deserve.

Contact Carabin Shaw for a free consultation with no obligation. We’ll fight for your rights and lawful recovery of damages and medical bills resulting from your accident. Call our San Antonio office today at 210-222-2288, or toll-free at 800-862-1260.

Client Reviews
We are very glad we called Carabin Shaw after our accident. We now recommend them to everyone. - Griselda S.
You want Carabin Shaw on your side after an accident. They were excellent. - Valerie S.
In our opinion, no one is better, Carabin Shaw is the Law Firm you want on your side after an accident. - Amanda G.
The attorneys and staff went out of their way to help us after our accident. Thank you Carabin Shaw. - Melinda F.
We did our research after our accident and chose Carabin Shaw. They were great. Highly recommend. Joel Y.